Main Street Design Challenge
Inspiring action to support Main Street recovery across Canada
The Main Street Design Challenge was a coordinated engagement effort for all Canadians interested in design to envision the future of Main Streets.
The world must change.
Participants were invited to develop innovative, responsible, sustainable, and resilient design solutions for Canadian Main Streets that can be implemented during the recovery and post-pandemic.
Main Street Design Playbook
Submissions were accepted in three cycles. All submissions that met the guideline criteria were included in the Main Street Design Playbook.
Accepted submissions received:
✓ Inclusion in the Playbook
✓ Acknowledgement in Canadian Urban Institute, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, and Bring Back Main Street communications and news
✓ Promotion and media exposure across Canada
For any questions, please email aholt@canurb.org.
This challenge reflected the importance of design in Main Street revitalization. It gave the design community the opportunity to share knowledge, collaborate and expand access to the tools communities need to rebuild after this global health emergency. We all win when we work together.
Canadian Urban Institute and the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada collaborated to support the Main Street Design Challenge with a network of supporting partners.