Pop-up Vertical Parks

“Pop-up vertical parks” to promote use of green space and community

By: Diana Andrea Guzman Valencia

During the COVID pandemic, it is a great challenge for public space creatives to conceive spaces where people can gather and make community, aggravating the already present issue of loneliness and social isolation. This installation physically reconnects the community through nature while encouraging our spontaneous and collective spirit by co-creating "Pop-Up Vertical Parks"!

Parks offer spaces to play, relax, gather, take fresh air, be close to nature and especially enhance the feeling of being part of a community. "Pop-Up Vertical Parks" allow people to co-create a spontaneous vertical community park installation in different urban outdoor and indoor spaces, so people can connect with their community and have more parks to enjoy!

Pop-up parks offer different spontaneous and safe ways to participate and stay connected during these difficult times. People walking by will be instructed graphically, how to take care of the vertical community park's garden or participate in other activities joining the community, such as: co-creating the garden by making a pocket and planting a plant in it, assessing the plants' needs, pruning, watering, interacting with the plants in a multi-sensorial experience, discovering interesting plant facts, leaving a message on the pocket and taking a selfie to share with our virtual community. There is also the possibility of other safely designed and facilitated activities as the community grows, for example: music, dancing, yoga, tea-chats, readings, etc…

The project relies on a local community assisting in related activities. 

Let's be part of the "Pop-Up Vertical Parks" creative movement!


Budget: The cost of this project is estimated at $5,000.


For more information, email the primary contact for this submission


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