Memo #2: Scan of Provincial Main Street Re-opening Plans


Provinces and territories are beginning to announce plans for re-opening their economies. This memo provides an at-a-glance summary of the proposed timelines for restarting the various types of businesses and other neighbourhood assets that ‘live’ on our main streets.

Across the country, governments acknowledge that the road ahead is uncertain, and re-opening will depend on containment levels and the ability of the healthcare system to test, isolate, treat, and trace cases of COVID-19. Each re-opening strategy has a roll-back rule that signals all decisions are contingent on successful management of further outbreaks.

This memo reflects published plans as of June 2, 2020. It will be updated weekly to reflect changes to the provincial plans.


Conditional re-opening underway

Alberta, BC, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick

These provinces have established a set of conditions that, if when met result in the lifting of restrictions on businesses.

Reopening with firm dates

Nova Scotia, Quebec

Nova Scotia has developed a phased approach to re-opening non-essential businesses and related activities with a fixed date (June 5th). Businesses are required to comply with a Workplace COVID-19 Prevention Plan.  Quebec’s reopening is well underway with firm dates for most sectors.

Restrictions remain in place

Yukon, Nunavut

These provinces remain closed for most non-essential businesses, but have plans for reopening.  


Memo #3: How to Make CECRA Work for Main Street


Memo #1: Why Main Streets Matter