Memos from Main Street

Memo #6: An Explainer on Main Street Small Business
What exactly is a main street small business? If we are to understand and respond effectively to the needs of main street small and independent businesses across the country, we will need clear and common language with more consistent data.

Memo #4: Types of Main Streets Across Canada
Main streets exist in cities and towns across Canada – from large urban centres, to mid-sized cities to small towns. For the most part, COVID has impacted all types of main streets equally; but, as provinces move towards reopening different sectors of the economy, the impacts may not be as even across types of main streets.
Memo #2: Scan of Provincial Main Street Re-opening Plans
Provinces and territories are beginning to open their economies, including main street businesses. The common denominator across the country is an agreed upon set of decision-making guidelines and principles which include: containment levels and the ability of the local healthcare system to care for new cases.

Memo #1: Why Main Streets Matter
While main streets have been through challenges before, the impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented. Failure to recover now will cause irreparable damage to the economic and entrepreneurial engine of our country, and just as importantly, the livability and character of our local neighbourhoods and the vibrancy of our cities.